i have a maroon and gold clown thats about 2 1/4 inches in length. ive had him for a few months and he's perfect. about 1 month ago i got a long tentacle ( i think) from a buddy. he had been injured by a powerhead and was in the back of his tank. he was open but his arms were like nubs. not cut off just shriveled. i put him in a tupperware and just in the car ride home he quadrupled in size from the sun light. i acclamated him for a few hours then put him middle high in my tank. after a week he was doing awesome and was fully opened. i fed him some tiger shrimp ( raw) and for another week to 10 days he stayed open all day and reached diameters of 5 to 6 inches.
soon the clown was investigating the nem and i was excited, finally i thought. then i noticed that this clown was actually nibbling on the nems tentacles causing it to close. after about 4 or 5 days of this the nem barely opened at all during the day. in fact it would open partially in near total darkness but not when the lights were on. 2 days ago it was gone, vanished. i just found it today on the other side of the tank in a cave where the clown lives. MY QUESTION IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THIS CLOWN IRRITATED THE NEM ENOUGH TO GET IT TO DETACH SO HE COULD MOVE IT TO THE SPOT HE TERRITORIALLY DEFENDS? ALSO WHERE ITS AT IT GETS VERY LITTLE LIGHT AND FLOW. ITS BARELY OPEN BUT THE CLOWN IS RUBBING ITS BODY ON IT. WHAT IF ANYTHING SHOULD I DO?
water parameters are excellent. my lighting is a hodge podge of t-5 and flouresents. 20000k and atinic blue. i have xenia, kenya tree, zoo's and really big (13 inch) colony of yellow star polyps. i also have a 6 inch flower rock nem that has been in the tank for 7 or 8 months and has never moved and is always open. livestock is the clown, 3 chromis, 1 YT and 1 firefish. nice CUC. its a 95 gallon wave front. BTW my cleaner shrimp was seen investigating that nem that moved or was moved too.
soon the clown was investigating the nem and i was excited, finally i thought. then i noticed that this clown was actually nibbling on the nems tentacles causing it to close. after about 4 or 5 days of this the nem barely opened at all during the day. in fact it would open partially in near total darkness but not when the lights were on. 2 days ago it was gone, vanished. i just found it today on the other side of the tank in a cave where the clown lives. MY QUESTION IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THIS CLOWN IRRITATED THE NEM ENOUGH TO GET IT TO DETACH SO HE COULD MOVE IT TO THE SPOT HE TERRITORIALLY DEFENDS? ALSO WHERE ITS AT IT GETS VERY LITTLE LIGHT AND FLOW. ITS BARELY OPEN BUT THE CLOWN IS RUBBING ITS BODY ON IT. WHAT IF ANYTHING SHOULD I DO?
water parameters are excellent. my lighting is a hodge podge of t-5 and flouresents. 20000k and atinic blue. i have xenia, kenya tree, zoo's and really big (13 inch) colony of yellow star polyps. i also have a 6 inch flower rock nem that has been in the tank for 7 or 8 months and has never moved and is always open. livestock is the clown, 3 chromis, 1 YT and 1 firefish. nice CUC. its a 95 gallon wave front. BTW my cleaner shrimp was seen investigating that nem that moved or was moved too.