Clown & Anemone

I will be getting 4 percula clowns in a little while, and I want them to feel as comfortable as possible. That is why I was also thinking of an anemone. I have recently gone to my LFS and they have bubble-tip,condy, and a pink-tip haitin. Which do you suggest? :notsure:
I want my clownfish to be happy, but I also don't want to waste my money just to have it dead in my tank a few days later. What are the care requirements? (Thanks for the info, by the way. :help: )


Active Member
It's not a good idea to house 4 clowns to a single tank. A single dominant pair will kill the other 2 clowns.
I will be getting an anemone for my 2 clownfish in a little while. These were the most popular two in the LFS. Which should I get?


Active Member
Get two. One slightly larger than the other if possible, but both of same type--i.e. both ocellaris.
Bubble all the way!


The other day we purchased 2 false percula clownfish and a pink tip hatian anemone along with several snails and blue leg hermit crabs. We also have a yellow tang and to purple urchins and a lawnmower blemmy. We drip acclimated the fish for 3 hours and the anemone for 2 hours. This morning we found 1 clownfish dead and the other missing. We searched our tank thoroughly, we have moved every piece of rock and even moved the surface of the sand and no clown. What could have happened during the night? Is it possible that the anemone ate the missing clown? Also, we have checked all water levels and they are perfect. We have had very bad luck with clowns, we have lost 5 in 8 weeks. HELP!!!!