clown attacking coral beauty


New Member
I have to per.clowns, and in last month have finally hosted something,, the frogspawn,,,,, they just love,, and it is so cool to watch,, but has become very territorital,,and now is attacking the coral beauty when she comes close to the frogspawn.And the coral beauty hasnt learned its lesson,,, and she is reallly getting hurt... hardly any tail left,and the fins arent looking so good either,,, been putting stress coat in hoping to help with healing but she just wont stop bothering the clowns,,, any suggestions here.. afraid i'm going to have a dead fish here soon. thanks in advance,, mindy


Active Member
My clowns are hosting in a rock of fuzzy mushrooms and the "guest house" frogspawn as well. Whenever anyone comes near their little compound, I see a lot of tail fanning, but nothing really aggressive. Are your clowns actually aggressing towards the CB angel? Like, nipping and charging, that kind of thing?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I have a maroon clown which is more agressive then the other clowns. He hosts a GSP and when others came around at first he would attack or run them off including the coral beauty. After I put in a trigger he went after him and attacked. The trigger stayed away from the clowns host. Now the clown doesn't bother the other fis at all even when they sniff around the GSP.The clown doesn't even chase them away any more.
The clown never hurt any of the other fish since he is so small.


New Member
yes,,,,, the coral beauty has been nipped at , , but it keeps soming back,,her tail, and fins look awful...... been putting stress coat,, hoping to help with some healing,,, i really dont know how much longer she can swim ,, if it keeps biting at her eating her tail and fins off,,


Active Member
Just asking .. how big is your tank ? If it's something like 30G I can see why he's getting beat up. No place else to run due to confined spaces. Usually a clownfish has about 2 sq feet of territory to defend. Dr. Bang Guy may be of some help on what to do.


Active Member
I had a maroon clown and coral beauty in my 33 gallon 4' long tank and they fought constantly, the maroon is queen of the tank but that stupid coral beauty just wouldn't give up, unfortunatly she met an accident with the powerhead. You most likely will have to remove the angelfish as I doubt either will back down at this point. Just curious though, how close are they in size? Mine were about equal which I thought might be part of the problem.


New Member
75 gallon tank here,,, they have been tankmates for 2 years with no trouble,,, i dont get it,,,,


Active Member
Originally Posted by mindy7
75 gallon tank here,,, they have been tankmates for 2 years with no trouble,,, i dont get it,,,,
Its the fact that their hosting and they will defend their home.
Remember each individual fish is different in the way they act.