Clown attacking damsel - need help


I know that damsels are not expensive but I do not want anything to die off due to me. I have a Clarki Clown and a Fiji Blue Devil Damsel. The Clown has been in the tank first and I just added a damsel for some new color. The Clown keeps nipping his tail and chasing him around. Could I add some more damsels so that they have a group or possibly an anemone. Any info on helping my reef be a little more peaceful would be appreciated. Oh i would assume that I am feeding them plenty .. I give three fish a brine shrimp frozen cube every day.


Active Member
I wouldn't add any more damsels. Your fish might just be "settling in" and may stop. When you added the damsel did you rearrange some of the rockwork? Most people do this when adding a new fish, I think it helps the older fish not be so terretorial.


Active Member
i dont know it you are set on keeping the damsel but as it gets older they become agressive and i believe are not safe. i learned about this and sold my damsal to a LFS.


Hi, I think you need some better foods, more variety. Brine shrimp alone is not suffient. I feed my clownfish formula one, pelleted nutrafin max and some flake food. I alternate the foods and some times mix them. The formula one is frozen and has some moister in it so I take a little of that and mix it with the flake. Small feedings. I also feed my curly Q anemone this too..he was pale white when I got him now he is pinkish/tan so it must be agreeing with him. I'm no expert by any means but have done alot of reading up on it, seems a varied diet is key.


Active Member

Originally Posted by swlover
Hi, I think you need some better foods, more variety. Brine shrimp alone is not suffient. I feed my clownfish formula one, pelleted nutrafin max and some flake food. I alternate the foods and some times mix them. The formula one is frozen and has some moister in it so I take a little of that and mix it with the flake. Small feedings. I also feed my curly Q anemone this too..he was pale white when I got him now he is pinkish/tan so it must be agreeing with him. I'm no expert by any means but have done alot of reading up on it, seems a varied diet is key.

totally agreed , the clowns love the brine but do whats best for them


Active Member
Well when I introduced my clowns the damsels were attacking them but now that they clowns are getting bigger they defend themselves from those vicious damsels. :scared: