Clown Behavior ?


I have two Perc Clowns. They get along great. My larger one swims around all over the place but lately the smaller one has been hanging around at the top in front of the filter exhaust tube right in the current. My tank parameters are fine but I dont know why she insists on hanging out right in front of the water current up there. Any thoughts??


Well the smaller one is the male. It is not panting or breathing heavy is it? It could just be where he likes to hang out. Give them a nice rock cave, hosting coral, or anemone if you want him to hang out some where else.

payton 350

my clowns just hang around the power head , that' s where they like it...mine also sleeps on it's side at the top of the tank at nite,, weird but fish is healthy


Active Member
If it is eating, and looking healthy, it's fine. They are called CLOWNfish for a reason, they do funny things.
Mine used to swim up to my big powerhead, then swim into the stream and go flying across the tank on the current. They would then swim around, and do it again! I called it the fishy waterslide!!

They also took turns tormenting my damsel by one swimming into it's territory, getting chased out...only to have the other one swim in from the other side. They would do this for like 10-15 minutes at a time and the poor damsel would swim back and forth the whole time "defending" his rock cave! If fish could laugh, they would be!!!


Originally Posted by mscarpena
Well the smaller one is the male. It is not panting or breathing heavy is it? It could just be where he likes to hang out. Give them a nice rock cave, hosting coral, or anemone if you want him to hang out some where else.

Thanks for the correction. I am pretty new at this. No, he doesn't seem to be breathing heavy or anything like that. I don't mind him there I was just worried that something might be wrong. I am in the process of getting some proper lighting so I can get an anemone. Maybe that will give him another place that he would like to hang out. Thanks!!


Originally Posted by TheGrog
If it is eating, and looking healthy, it's fine. They are called CLOWNfish for a reason, they do funny things.
Mine used to swim up to my big powerhead, then swim into the stream and go flying across the tank on the current. They would then swim around, and do it again! I called it the fishy waterslide!!

They also took turns tormenting my damsel by one swimming into it's territory, getting chased out...only to have the other one swim in from the other side. They would do this for like 10-15 minutes at a time and the poor damsel would swim back and forth the whole time "defending" his rock cave! If fish could laugh, they would be!!!

That is so funny! I kinda get the idea that mine just likes the water current after reading the posts. I am glad to know it's nothing to be worried about. These fish definately have personality. They are really fun to watch. This makes me feel better about his quirky behavior. :joy:

payton 350

when i first got my clowns i was so paranoid that i was doing something wrong and that they were dying ....they don't act like normal fish. I think before people buy clowns they should be aware of their awkward behavior.. i laugh now when i see it but man was it nerve wreck being new to sw and then seeing this guys act like that


Originally Posted by Payton 350
when i first got my clowns i was so paranoid that i was doing something wrong and that they were dying ....they don't act like normal fish. I think before people buy clowns they should be aware of their awkward behavior.. i laugh now when i see it but man was it nerve wreck being new to sw and then seeing this guys act like that
lol. I guess I didnt realize they had so many strange behaviors. I was not prepared either for the sleeping habits of these fish. I thought the same thing too and called my lfs to talk with someone to see what they said about the sleeping habits. They are definately different.