clown being too rough for anemone?


so about a month ago i brought home a sebae anemone and it is doing well, about a week or so ago, my maroon clown started to host it and rub all over it like crazy non stop until the anemone eventually would shrivel up and close, the clown would still rub on it like crazy, not letting up one bit, eventually the anemone just drooped over like it was dying, so i removed the clown for a few days, put him back in yesterday and everything happened all over again
the clown took right to it, but was what i thought was too rough and the anemone closed up again like it was scared
is this normal? should i leave the clown in the DT? it seems like the anemone is being hurt and trying to get away
if this is the normal warming up procedure, then ill let it happen, but it just seems like too much for the anemone to handle and is stressing it out
please help, any suggestions are welcome, they are separated currently
Some clowns can be very hard on anemones especially maroon clowns. It is not normal behavior for the anemone to shrivel up when the clown tries hosting it. It is normal for the clown to rub all over it but not normal for the anemone to stay shriveled up. How big is your clown vs. your anemone? I would recommend separating them because your anemone will probably die from the abuse it is receiving.


Maroons are very agressive hosts and have been known to kill anemones. How big is the anemone in comparison to the clown? It should be several times larger. For a 3" maroon you'd need at least a 8" anemone. These are tough little fish.


the clown is about 3inches and the anemone is about 5 maybe 6 inches in diameter, the anemone is fine for a good 5mintues, but the clown doesnt quit, so it eventually closes up, id hate to have the clown in the smaller tank which is more of a QT, but i might just end up getting a larger anemone for that tank and a smaller clown for the larger display, thats unfortunate, the clown left it alone for almost a month without any problems, to bad it cant go back to that way