Clown/Brain Coral


Hey, I have a maroon clown that for some reason has taken to my brain coral. Is this normal? Its reallly weird and funny watching him trying to lay on it. My skunk clown lives in my huge colt, which is splitting by the way and its almost completely done. Im so happy.


Coral hosts are very common in reef tanks. Although some clowns are pickier than others, they will go into variety of corals. Normally corals do not appreciate it. I would watch your clown, as long as it is not wiggling too much in the coral, I would leave it. But the minute you see it unintentionally harassing the coral, I would remove one or the other.
I always find it interesting. One time my late clown used to live in star polyps colony. After awhile he realizes what he was doing and stop doing it though.
Btw, did you say you have a skunk and a maroon in the same tank???


after our bubble tip anenome died our maroon decided to host with our lettuce leaf coral & pretty much killed some of it - it's not completely dead & hopefully it will regenerate.
a couple of weeks ago we got a sebae, but it didn't survive, we put in a long tentacle yesterday & the clown took to it pretty quickly.