Clown bully


New Member
hey everyone, does anyone else have a problem with being attacked by their clown when you stick your hand in the tank?? I have two true percs and my big female pecks at me when ever I put my hand in the tank for maint. I have'nt fed my anemone in a while for fear of the attacks. She pecs kinda hard for a little fish



Active Member
Originally Posted by skinsfan
hey everyone, does anyone else have a problem with being attacked by their clown when you stick your hand in the tank?? I have two true percs and my big female pecks at me when ever I put my hand in the tank for maint. I have'nt fed my anemone in a while for fear of the attacks. She pecs kinda hard for a little fish

They are territorial and have quite a bit of moxie. My 2 dont "bite the hand that feeds them" but I have had a few in the past that have been relentless to my hand when I stuck it in there. From what I have heard some of the larger maroons and saddle backs can take a chunk out if they get you good enough.


Active Member
My little false perc is hosted by a green brain coral. Whenever my hand is in the tank he runs to it's defense. If i try and pick up the brain he will do his best to kill me.


ha my maroon started doing that but I flicked her in the head and now it dosnt happen anymore. I wouldnt recomend this as a soln though ha.


I have a black clown that does this and its SOOOO annoying..
I just put it in a breeder and then do what I need to do w/ the tank.
My two orange percs dont do this(different tank)..


Active Member
My maroons just bump me, but I had a tomatoe clown take a piece of skin and draw blood recently when I was helping out a friend in his tank. More scary than painful.


New Member
I think Im gonna try bringing the net with me next time, She's relentless. I try and shoo here away with my hand but she just keeps comming back. Its kinda cute in a way till she gets a good peck in there. She sure isn't afraid to protect her territory thats for sure. whats funny is, at feeding time she's right there with the others begging away

scuba diva

I get tag-teamed by my pink Skunk and my Neon Gobie! One wants to draw blood, and one wants to clean it up! My 6yr old daughter thinks it is hillarious!