clown changing color


New Member
I have had a false perc for 2 or 3 years now. I kept him in a 5 gal tank up until a few weeks ago. I moved him up to a 29 biocube. He is doing great, still a bit sissy about the move, but he is starting to get comfortable. The only thing is that he is getting much darker in color. The orange on its back is turning very dark. The fish seems healthy, eats as much as possible and swims pretty actively. All parameters are perfect. Lighting is much better then in his last home (it was my families first tank, 5 gal wal-mart eclipse style special
). I looked around this post and all I found was that clowns may get darker with age. If this is true, is my 2-3 year old fish getting old?


Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
from what iv'e heard they darken with age :cheer: :cheer:
I heard the same thing.


Active Member
I don't think ocellaris clowns turn dark as they get older. More so the True Percula Clowns turn dark.