clown compatability?


In my experience, not very. Tomato clowns are very aggressive and territorial fish and act more along the lines of some of the nasty damsels.
I had a once inch one that was put in with a 4 inch perc. They got along fine until the tomato reached two inches. Then the tomato when psycho and had to be removed.


Active Member
Tamato clowns do not do well with other clown fish, they are the most aggressive clown IMO. I had 3 inch. false perc. with a 1 in. tamato and the tamato clown attacked the perc. Not a good clown to mix with others IMO.


I have a Tomato Clown in my tank, one of the first in the tank. A few weeks later I added a Marroon Clown about 1/2 of the size of the Tomato, maybe eve smaller. For about the first two weeks the Tomato was very agressvie and nipped off most of the Marroon's tail The poor little gut was expected to be a goner.
He managed to find a good hiding place a nd healed up quite well - his tail is now completly back and he has taken up resicence in a Zenia coral within inches of where the Tomato lives with his Bubble Anemone. The Marroon is also starting to like a Long Tenicle Anemone in the same area.
End of story - The Tomato has not bothered the marroon for at least six weeks. Maybe they are too busy worrying aabout the Yellow Tail Damsels.;)


How will 2 Ocellaris Clowns get along? I have had the 1 for about 2 years, but I am thinking of adding another, will there be trouble?


Active Member
In reply to brian01:
No there would be no trouble at all adding another ocellaris clown as long as they are somewhere around the same size. If they are juveniles they could even become a mated pair.


If you were to pair up some ocellaris clowns wouldn't you want them to be of different size? I would think otherwise you would have 2 clowns fighting to be the dominant one or female. It's much easier to pair them when they are of different size. Or you could pair a ocellaris with a true Percula too.
My tomato clowns r couples. And the Ocellaris Clownfish is single... they treat nice to each other (the Ocellaris Clownfish is almost 3 years in my tank, n the male tomato is abt 1.5Y, the female is abt 4M ) But the female tomato attacks Ausfur recently.(the Ausfur is bigger than female Tomato abt 1")...and there r many hurt on the Asfur's body.....
I will catch the female tomota on tomorrow night n then throw it to my FO tank. After abt 1-2 monthes...I will catch the female one back to my main avoid fight again.