Clown Convulsing??

Hi all...I am brand new to this hobby and currently have a small cuc, lm blenny and have just added 2 false percs to my 55 gal on Tuesday. Despite being shipped in seperate bags, the clownfish have gotten along great. They swim together a good chunk of the day and sleep together. I noticed some disturbing behavior, however, from the smaller clown this morning. He/she curled her body into a "c" shape and began shaking like it was having a seizure. She has been doing it intermittently all morning. Is this a sign of illness? Should I seperate them? What kind of illness could this be? Thanks in advance for your help.


My guess is "she" is a he and he's showing off for the female. Kind of a dominance thing, hes demonstrating to her that she is the boss and thats fine with him. I'd say they are fine, just make sure they are eating and not fighting but it sounds like hes just doing a bit of flirting


Active Member
Originally Posted by Arvins
My guess is "she" is a he and he's showing off for the female. Kind of a dominance thing, hes demonstrating to her that she is the boss and thats fine with him. I'd say they are fine, just make sure they are eating and not fighting but it sounds like hes just doing a bit of flirting

She will probably dart at him, then he'll seize, then she'll "do the funky tuna"
That's normal, eventually it will subside.


Active Member
+2 That's a very good sign. You have yourself a bonded pair.
He's basically telling her that she wears the pants in this family which is what you want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
+2 That's a very good sign. You have yourself a bonded pair.
He's basically telling her that she wears the pants in this family which is what you want.
Yes. This is a good sign. They are not bonded yet, but this is a good sign. If he weren't to do this, then that means that they would have to fight for dominance which means that you may end up with a dead clownfish. Granted she may still beat on him a little.