Clown deaths.


2 weeks after cycle i got 2 percula clowns they both did fine the qst dqay. the seconfd day they wouldent eat. i fed them flake. then i tried brine shrim later on. they wouldent eat for 3 days. one nibbled a little but a second late most of it came back out. the 4th day they were twiching and were floatin all around the tank. then they died. water quality was perfect. nitrite 0 amonia 0 nitrate 10 . then about a month later i got a yellow tailed damsel and a ocelloes clown or watever its called. the clown did tghe same thing but the damsel is living really happy it eats swims around. my clown died too. why did the clowns do this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
2 weeks after cycle i got 2 percula clowns they both did fine the qst dqay. the seconfd day they wouldent eat. i fed them flake. then i tried brine shrim later on. they wouldent eat for 3 days. one nibbled a little but a second late most of it came back out. the 4th day they were twiching and were floatin all around the tank. then they died. water quality was perfect. nitrite 0 amonia 0 nitrate 10 . then about a month later i got a yellow tailed damsel and a ocelloes clown or watever its called. the clown did tghe same thing but the damsel is living really happy it eats swims around. my clown died too. why did the clowns do this?
Your acclimation proceedures may be way off. Or combine that with your normal S.G. and the :LFS exceptionally low s.g. and not acclimating very long could cause. Did you buy all the new ones at the same LFS? Can you post your water parameters and your acclimation proceedures?


temp- 78
s.g- 1.023
nirtite 0
nitrate 15 (was 10 wen i put fish in)
ammonia 0
PH 8.2
yes i got them both from the same fishing store. i used the regular old way to aclimate them. left them in the bag in the tank for 15 min then added a lil of my tanks water left for another 5 min. then added more of my tanks wate(did this like 5 times) then left the bag in the tank and left them swim out. last year i did this to clouns and they all did fine


In future, get a clean (key word) bucket and put your new fish in it with the water from the bag. Then slowly syphon water out of your tank into the bucket. Dont let it pour in, just a fast drip, slightly less than a steady stream. I use some airline tubing and a valve that came with my maxijet powerhead to control the drip. You can also tie a knot in the tubing to slow the drip. Do this for at least an hour, depending on the fish. More sencetive fish will require a longer acclimation. As water fills the bucket, take a cup and scoop out water every now and then. Then you can add your fish to your tank (this should be a QT tank!!! If you dont have one, get one.) Dont add the water in the bucket back to the tank. Throw it away, it may contain parasites.