clown died, question about getting a new one


New Member
We had two oscellaris clowns and one passed away yesterday. Everything had been fine. The water parameters are perfect and the other fish are fine. The clown had been acting a little less active for a day or so, but nothing else was going on to help indicate any problems. He had even still been eating fine.
I'm still pretty new at all this, and everything that I had been told was that I should buy my clowns in a pair, so can I get another clown and have it spend it's time as a newbie in qt and still have it get along with the current clown that we have? Also, the next fish we were going to add was a firefish, so can we do that at the same time, or are we going to have to wait on that? Thanks in advance for any advice!


How long has this tank been set up? Are you sure it cycled and is all done by now? How long did you have this clownfish?
You can buy clowns in a pair but it's not necessary. They'll live just fine and happy without a second one. If you just really want two of them though look for one that's smaller than the one you still have and he should be more accepting of the newcomer. Fortunately false percs are one of the more peaceable clowns so it should be fine :joy: but if yours hassles the new one you can always move the lil troublemaker to a QT tank for awhile for a "fishie timeout".


Active Member
How long has the tank been set-up? Typically it is OK to add two fish at once if the tank has not had any recent additions in some time.


New Member
The tank has been set up for almost 3 1/2 months now, and it has been cycled for sure. It had live sand and established live rock from a 6 month old tank. The clowns had been in qt for a month before they were added to the tank. The only inhabitants right now are three chromis, the one oscellaris clown that is left, the clean-up crew, three sea-stars, actually, make that four sea-stars b/c one of the sea stars split last week, that had hitch-hiked in on a piece of live rock and some misc. worms that hitchhiked in on some live rock - inc. two feather duster worms!
So, fishmama, am I to understand you correctly that the oscellaris clown and the firefish will be ok to spend a month in qt and then be added into the tank at the same time? Thanks!


Active Member
Do you have any idea why your clown perished? Was he getting enough to eat? Did you notice anything "unusual" when you bought the pair? I guess that I would be more interested in finding out what the problem was first before putting in more little ones.
Sorry about your little clown loss...
Lisa :happyfish