Clown Died =(


No idea why was doing my water change today, and was just admireing how my Sebae was growing and then I noticed a ting of yellow peaking through a rock so I lifted the rock and sometime last night my Percula died.
My wife noticed a white spot on his dorsal fin last night other than that he's been one of the happiest fish in my tank so far.
He hosted well in the Sebae, ate fine, has been in the tank for more than 2 months.
I looked at him closely before I disposed of him. I didn't see any visable issues at all.
I use RO/DI filtered water, A 12k PC light system 7 hours a day (not that it matters for fish).
I have 2 mechanical filters and a PS.
I keep my water levels at near perfection.
Any ideas on what I should look for to prevent this from reaccuring?
I did add a Lined Goby and a Coral Beauty this week and removed 4 damsels and brought them back to exchange at my LFS.
I now have a few hermits, turbos, One Lined Goby, One Sebae Anemone, One Coral Beauty, and 2 Damsels.
And plenty of room left in my 80 gallon tank.