I have my false clown for over a year and he does not swim around that much...just hangs out behind his rock he likes. Sometimes when i feed them he just wait for the food to come to him. Is this Normal? thx
my gold stripe maroon would just chill by anemone just like yours does. a smaller fish would come near he would chase them out. he really wouldnt move untill it was feeding time
I might be wrong, but it sounds like you have only one clown, is that correct? If so, I have heard that, although clowns will survive alone, they are much happier in pairs, or paired with an Anemone. He may be depressed,lol. Hope not. Good luck.
my O. Clown LOVES schooling with my green chromis and foxface, it even appears that he keeps lookout at night right outside the hole where they sleep!
are there any other fish in the tank?
I have 1 clown, 2 chromis and a Damsel. The only time he comes out is to feed and chase away the other fish. I was thinking about getting him a friend. thanks for the replies
I have found that clownfish and over rated for a reef tank. They are pretty cool when an anemone is hosting them. But without an anemone they are pretty boring fish to have. Just IMO.