Clown Dying ?


My tomato clown looks like its dying. It is floating around the top of the tank Sideways,straight up,backwards,aimlesly with the current. What should I do? All params. are good all the others are doing good.It is a good size. Should I remove it now ? or let it die and the crabs will eat it.I feel bad and would hate to flush it.Any suggestions?


i suggest putting it in a qt. what are you feeding it? what other fish are in the tank? could be a bacterial infection not noticable on the outside of the fish. if it does die, dont leave it in the tank. if the crabs dont eat it your nitrites and nitrates will shoot up


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? Any wounds? Notice anything wrong with the fish's body?
More details.


Thanks for the reply but it died that night. I had it for about 6 mos.A couple of weeks before it had a white spot on its fin but it went away. I have to set up a QT. Can you tell me what equipment I need. Thanks


Staff member
Sorry to hear that. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is a good deal of info there regarding setting up a QT. If you have more questions after reading, then let us know.


Sorry about your loss. I just lost a maroon clown mysteriously, suspected bacterial infection. My tank params were 0 and my other fish were unaffected during the ordeal, but it was sad to see the clown "crash" in such a short period of time.
Reason for my post though is in another thread you said you were on your 5th clownfish. Do you mind if I ask which species of clownfish you have tried, and what were the reasons or suspected theories as to why they had problems?
I had much enjoyment from the single maroon, my first clown, so I am trying to decide if I will attempt a pair of clowns in the future.
Thanks for your time.


Nano, I beleive the other clowns I had were Percula Clownfish.I dont know whats up with them.I was considering them again because they are beautiful fish. LFS says that sometimes he gets them in and the next day they are all dead.He has some for a week now and says if they are still alive next week he thinks they will be ok to purchase.I think one other time my salinity was too high and I added alot of fresh water and one died due to the salinity change .the other stopped eating and died a few days later.I might try again.Also I think a couple of them had the white things growing on them .