clown eating bubble tip?????


I just recently got a rost bubble tip. I have a gold strip and white strip maroon that have taken up residence in the new addition. I have noticed that the gold stripe clown is taking the bubble tips into his mouth and biting them off the anemone!
Is this normal or is he hurting the anemone???


Active Member
I know that clowns will sometimes kinda try to put there host in their mouth. I dont think its a problem unless the clown is hurting the anemone.


Well, he is putting the ends of the tenticles in his mouth and then spitting them out. Sometimes they come off, sometimes they don't. But today it looks like the anemone lost several tips. And it is turning inward to keep its tenticles away from the clown. I don't want the clown to stress out the anemone.
And I don't want to wait until it is too late for the anemone.
Any ideas....


I'm still not sure what to think of this behavior. On one hand you now have an anemone with seeping wounds that could cause stress and infection to the anemone. On the other hand I've never really heard of a clown killing an anemone in this way.
Some say that they are just getting aquainted and it will stop soon. Lets hope so or you will have to draw on some remidies that help children stop sucking on their thumbs, LOL.
You have opitions of returning the clown for another, seperating the two if possible or trying to cover the anemone with some type of plastic basket while it heals a little.