Clown eggs.... will they live?


I notcied while looking at my tank 2 days ago that my clowns have laid eggs on the glass in my tank. These are the first of the eggs i have ever seen, anyways i am wondering how long it takes the eggs to hatch and if i watched them very carefully would i be able to scoop them out when they hatch if i am fast enough ( i assuming i won't be and that my red lyretail anthias will eat them). Any input would be helpful thanx! :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


New Member
forget removing to fry when they hatch the net would kill them they hatch at night in seven to ten days depends on type and temp they will spawn again in a few weeks I have a pair of clarki that spawn every thirteen days if you want to try raising them you will need to do some research grow greenwater and rotifers they eat every few hours worse than having kids I have raised several batches of clowns clarki ,percs ,maroon,skunks tis alot of work and hard to get rid of five hundred to a thousand fry the wholsale price stinks and lfs want them a few at a time but if you just want the challenge put a ceramic tile four or six inch lean it up against the glass by where the spawned put the back facing out if it has lines on it run them horiz you can leave in the tank till they start to color up once you see eyes they are just about done the tank you transfer them in needs to be blacked out lean the tile against the side and put a air stone in front of it want just a gentle current past them to keep them oxygenated put a small light above they cant take much light the first few days side lighting will kill them they cant see food they need rotifers for the first week or so then you can start feeding baby BS any sooner it will kill them if you get them past the first three weeks well done they are easy after that get a good book on breeding clowns is allot of work but a fun challenge tired of clowns gonna try hippo tangs next if I can pull it off will make some money and shut up the wife about my addiction