Clown fish and Anemones


New Member
I wasnt sure where to post this message being it had a fish and an Anemone. So if my post doesnt pertain to the board i apologize. I currently have a 10gal tank running with 2 damsels a hermit crab and a snail. I recnetly went to an aquarium and saw some clownfish playin in an Anemone and it was just awsome! I was wondering if it would be possible to add an Anemone in my salt water set up. Thanks for the time!


I do NOT think you should get an anemone. They are only for seasoned experienced hobbyists. Most people do not realize how tough they are to keep. First of all your tank is much too small for the set-up. Small tanks have greater shifts in conditions and the anemone couldn't tolerate this. They also need pristine water and very strong light. The normal course is for an anemone to slowly wither away after a couple of months. They do this because they have special algae living within them in which they gain nutrients from. I advise you & other hobbyists to get a good reef book and study their care before delving into them. I tell you all this from past failures from over 20 years of experience. :eek:


Consequently, you do not have to have Anemone to keep Clownfish. You can try a coral that might offer similar environment for the clownfish but does not require a lot of experience. I will ask somebody else here to give your input :)
:D <-Not speaking from experience but from reading other posts :p


Clownfish do not need anemone's to survive or thrive. With the addition of tank-raised clowns, these fish have never had the symbiosis of an anemone. Yes it is spectacular to see the combination but very few (if any) get away with it in a small tank with poor lighting.