Clown Fish as First Fish?


As my next research project, with my tank ready for fish, I was reading that clowns would not be advisable as a first fish because they are in the damsel family and can become very territorial. Then I was told by my lfs that clowns should be the last fish. It is a small tank, 45 gallons and that the whole tank would be their territory. Is this info I am getting correct?
Thanks for the help,


Active Member
to be perfectly honest, i hvae nevr noticed one clowfish in my life to be territorial. I have had numerous different reef fish in my SW experience, and many clownfish. But i have never noticed that one be more territorial than any other non-aggresive fish ive kept. They dont need a lot of space, and although the will roam a little bit and enjoy it, they will adopt a host and stay within reasonable distance from it usually. I have never had an agressive, territorial clown of any species.
Note: This is just from my presonal expreiece, i am certainly not speaking facts. But i think that the idea that clowns are aggresive just becuase they are damsels is incorrect in many situations. Youll have to get more oppinions. :happy:


Pretty much. I guess maroons have a reputation for being particularly nasty, but I think most other species are pretty mild. My two Clowns were the first in the tank and they haven't picked on the Sixline Wrasse and a Bicolor Blenny added after them. The female doesn't even bother them during feeding, although she will snap at her mate if she sees him taking a nice piece of food! :joy:


Active Member
a clownfish by itself with other different speices will do fine.
you put two clowns in the same tank there will be trouble save certain speices of clowns or them being a couple.


my first fish were clownfish. i had 6 false perculas.
the 2 largest ones killed off the other 4.
i think they're territorial


Thanks for the info everyone! Well, clown fish will not be my first fish because we got a couple of firefish. :joy: But now I we need to decide which type of clown fish to get and weather or not to get tank raised or wild. We would want a mated pair and have them host an anemone when the tank matures enough to have one. The tank is going to be peaceful so I would not want any aggressive types. Anyone have suggestions or must read links?
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
Whoever said clowns should be added last, doesn't know what they were talking about. Either that or they are the only one to experience a clown being very territorial.


Are maroon clowns aggressive? Is tank raised better than wild caught? What we are looking for is a sure fire way for a clown to host an anemone and from what I have read and been told is that I need to buy wild clowns that are already hosting and buy them as a group.


Active Member
Okay maroon clowns are the most aggresive of the clownfish, but mine that I have isn't very aggresive and I added him first. (that was when i was a newb lol). He hosts any anemone I put in there, but since that tank has crappy lights all i can keep is condilactus for a bit before they die off, soon he'll be in my 12 gallon with a buble tip, after i move whats in there to my 40 gallon new reef. Anyways. In my 12 gallon I had two tank raised false perculas, they act like freshwater fish as in they are always begging for food, and they wouldn't host my amazing bubble anemone, so like an idiot i just let my maroon use it in the 75 until it died. Just buy non-tank raised clownfish and then just get the anemone they prefer, they'll usually use it. OR if you really want to buy tank-raised clowns, then I would try to find some that are already hosting an anemone.


It means they want to "bump" the thread back up to the beginning so people will see it and respond, otherwise the thread gets pushed lower and lower.


We have a big and little false percula pair, they swim everywhere together.
They were the 2nd and 3rd fish we bought for the tank and are very happy and come to the top to say hi when we come up to the tank.

sinner's girl

hvae nevr noticed one clowfish in my life to be territorial.
My true perc was extremly territorial....killed a few fish along the way too. WOuldn't let a yellow tang eat, picked on the lawnmower blenny, killed it, when I added another clown (smaller) she almost killed it as soon as it was in the tank! I did get them to live together untill the male disapeared one day, soon after I added a three strip and they got along fine. But my clown had the tank to herself for awhile before I added another fish...


Sinner's girl:
I totally agree. I can't add anymore fish to my 24NC because everytime I do my perc attacks them until they die. The only other fish I have is a lawnmower blenny that was added b4 the clown. It's frustrating because I don't want to get rid of it, but I would like another fish or two.


Active Member
Hmm, I bought a pair of Maroon Gold Stripe Clowns as my first fish and since then added a scooter blenny. When I first added scooter they both went and stared at him for a long time but they get along great. Funny how Maroons are the "Aggressive" labled variety but you all are describing clowns way more aggressive than mine.

sinner's girl

I may depend on the fish. When we pick fish out, we look for one that is not being picked on, It's somewhat my fault, since I picked out Angel, she was active, and chasing others away. We didn't want one that would die easily...
In smaller tanks I can almost understand...but I had 55gl, there was lots of room for another fish, she only stayed on one side of the tank anyway...
But hey, I loved that fish, I think she just wanted to be an only child, she didn't want to share any attention. 55gl and two fish.
She's the reason I'm worried about what fish to add with my next pair of clowns, I really want clowns, but I'd like more than two fish in 75gl...
You'd want to add least territorial first, what are planning to add, or what do you already have? I would *think* adding the clown last would be best if they are the last fish and the most territorial you'll have....but I don't know...