clown fish breeding

hawk fish

i have had a pair of mated clowns for a year next week(im wierd i know there b-day)and anyway they havent layed eggs even or what can i do to make them??? the male always attacks me even if im not even near him..he will swim up to me and pull out a hair or two out of my there anything to do to MAKE them breed?? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by hawk fish
i have had a pair of mated clowns for a year next week(im wierd i know there b-day)and anyway they havent layed eggs even or what can i do to make them??? the male always attacks me even if im not even near him..he will swim up to me and pull out a hair or two out of my there anything to do to MAKE them breed?? thanks
havent you been banned like 5 times? do you realise your NOT welcome here!

hawk fish

no what are you talking about??? i have just stop talking in like october because i got sick of sitting infront of my computer...?


I have had good luck by putting the clowns all alone in a tank and changing up the lighting times-make day last a little longer and night longer-they will think the season is changing i guess and i would put a piece of slate or tile by the host anemone-even though it looks ugly it will help

hawk fish

so make the days longer..feed live brine shrimp....what if i just put a peice of slate in the tank....there isnt any coral in there right now getting some soon...