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do you have any suggestions of what kind of anemone should i put in my tank coz my daughter really a fan of nemo and she wants the clown fish to be happy. ME TOO.
As far as with my experiences, I have my clowns hosting BTA, LTA, Sebae, Mushroom and even Haitan Condi. But among all those, I should say Sebae is the one they love the most. Please understand that it is not really the anenome who choose the clown, but the clown itself who decide which one to host. So you may have BTA and Sebae, but it doesn't mean that they will leave the BTA over Sebae or via versa. Just hang on, give your clown another 48 hours. In the meantime watch out for the Brooklynella.
Do you know if your clown is tank raise or wild caught?