clown fish fight


ok i have one black and one normal percula clown, i was in the tank cleaning it and when i was done i noticed the black one had his tail all nipped up by the normal perc.... the black one is usually the aggressive one.... what happen why all of a sudden and how long will it take for the black perc to grow his tail back? what shoudl i do if this problem continues....and dose anyone elses clown vibrate in the water?


its weird they kind of shake kime they are seizuring for a second..... but only do it when they are together...its long will they take to grow back a tail..and i knwo the clown did it i watched him.....

fishy head

do you have any inverts like Anemones also I dont know about clowns but my yellow tank grew back a cut on one of his fins in about a week


Active Member
Yeah, I've seen that vibrating thing they do, pretty weird. I'ts just a dominance display.


the one that shakes is the submissive one. Its letting the other clown know that it isnt going to try and dominate it.