clown fish has mouth WIDE open


Today as I was doing my maint. (15% water change) I noticed that one of my false percs has his mouth wide open and not wanting to eat. :scared: He was not like this yesterday. Water perams temp 80, nitrites 0, ammonia 0, nitrates >10 (almost 20) ph 8.2, salinity 1.025. Everyone else is fine and eating well. I would like to get my trates down but can't seem to do it
I have tried to catch him and put him in the hospital tank but due to rock work I just can't catch him :mad: The only recent changes to the tank is 10 more pounds of live rock added Sat. The rock came straight out of an established I don't know what the heck is going on :notsure: Is there any thing I can do to help him in the main tank, oh yeah I aslo feed food soaked with garlic extreme...Please help


Staff member
Is the fish breathing or gilling rapidly? Is something lodged in his mouth?


it does'nt look as if anything is in his mouth, and yes he is breathing fast, he is also swiming kinda downward and is staying real close to the rock won't come out much.


New Member
I have the same problem with my perc. He has also developed ich to some extent, but is mainly sitting toward the bottom wide open mouthed. I was able to catch him this morning and put in a quarantine tank, so we will see from here . Good luck with yours.