clown fish in trouble


the weirdest thing is happening....i just fed my fish and my clown's belly looks like it filled up with air. I't's causing him to be buoyant and float to the top. He's trying so hard to swim down but he just can't. Think he needs some Gas-X.
Anybody ever had this happen?


I have had something like this happen with some goldfish. I'm not sure if it applies to clowns or not...
Goldfish have what is called a swim bladder, this keeps them balanced. Sometimes when you feed them floating food, they can suck in some air with the food. The extra air inside them can throw off their balance. So basically they have gas. Sometimes all you need to do is wait to fix this problem.
I would THINK that this could apply to all fish. That's just a guess. I'm sure someone will correct me in no time at all if I'm wrong.
Hope that helps.


You will need to check with Beth but this might be an overfeeding issue, as BS suggests it may simply go away after a few hours. Been a long time since I've seen this in any of my fish.