Clown Fish is still nuts


I wanted to thank everyone who replied to my posts about my new clownfish. Everyone told me that he would eventually calm down and stop pacing across the glass. well it has been a week now and the little sucker is still running back and fortha t the top of the tank. He doesn't seem to be playing in the currents it seems like he is trying to get out. What can I do to try and calm him down. I know I can't get an anemone yet since my tank is still young. I am getting a patch of star polyps here in a few days will he bond with them. I really love the little guy but he is beginning to stress me out. He has been eating well.
Thank you


i dont have a clown fish yet but what i was told is that with out a anemone to bond with it might try to bond with corals stressing them out. but thats what the fish man(the guy at lfs) said.


Active Member
is he alone, or are there 2?
was he alone in the lfs?, if so, maybe he is lonely, does he seem to be playing with or looking at his reflection?
i dunno for sure, but seems to me he MAY be lonely and looking for another clown(in the glass)


My sebae clown acts a little crazy too. He seems to like looking at his reflection and I am wondering if he would like a mate. He was alone in the LFS and doesnt seem to get long with my two yellow-belly damsels. I am afraid to put another clown in becuase they might fight.


Active Member
I'v got two clowns and one is always flying back and fgorth on the top of the tank.I personally think it's funny.I know of others who do the same.Hate it sresses you out???


Well since i dont have lots of practicle experiance in the reef society as of yet ( still learning) but i do have one suggestion...have you considered....
Yeah i know...if nothing constructive then keep the trap shut. I just couldn't resist.


I don't know why they go back and forth, or, up and down the glass, but all is well. I have had several Clowns do that for weeks. I thought they were "brain dead" but eventually, they came out of their fit. It is frustrating to try to figure it out though. Just try to ignore it. Ridlin might do the job !! :D


well I thank eveyone for writieng me back. I do love my clownfish and it is interesting the way he paces back and forth across the glass. But I worry about it for hius safety. I am only a newbie at this hobbie and I will admit I do not know that much but I do not want to make his life any more uncomfertable than possible. So if anyone has any tips than I would love and appreciate them.
Thanks :)


Active Member
lerch, iam glad ot hear that
it seems you are getting addicted, many people only like theri fish, but most of us here love them and or come to, it is not an issue of the tank or money, but feelings
ya know


New Member
Your clownfish is probably fine. Some are just rapid swimmers. Ive had a percula clown for 5 years and hes all over the place. I would not go out and buy him an anenome, they are very hard to keep and should be left in the wild. A great host would be a sacrophyton or leather coral.
good luck


u could try to get another percula they are the easiest to pair up mates for just make sure that u get a smaller one the female will always be bigger and more dominent and the male is always smaller. as far as using anenmones they are very hard to keep even more experience reef keepers rarely keep 1 more than a year. clowns will also accept corals as there host and don't have the fatalaty of anemones