clown fish mate


There are 2 stages: first they pair up and second they mate .. but some times, they just pair up and never mate .. if you have one, then get a smaller one because of better chances to pair.


always allow one to have dominace, i would recomend going to your LFS and looking for the largest one you can find there and then in about 6 mo go back and look for the smallest the large one will beat on him for awhile but will let up on day 2 or so


Originally Posted by madaquaristsoc
is it wise to get a smaller cinnimin clown for breeding or should i start from babies and let them determin ---?
Personally, I would start from babies if you do not already have any.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Personally, I would start from babies if you do not already have any.
the way i stated and this way are the 2 favorit ways to pair clowns, i prefer the way i stated for 1 reason is you know when they are going to soon as you put the second one in, as with babys you dont know when they are likly to start fighting and will not be around incase the dominat one decides she dosen tlike the smaller and wants to kill him, the best way to know if the female is going to kill the male is if he fights back right away befor being submissive, if he fights they will not pair up and the smaller is going to die, but people do have success with pairing clowns buing from babys and letting them grow out together
if this was for percula clowns i would say buy any 2 you wanted as they are not nearly as mean as cinimon and maroon clowns, and really are a nice fish, where cin/maroons are really mean with outsiders and ALWAYS fight at some point befor they are paired where perculas most of the time do not even fight at all when added together