Clown Fish not eating


I have a fp Clown, and have had him for about a month, up until last week he was eating voraciously, and readily accepted frozen brin as well as his favorite, flakes. But he suddenly stopped eating, and doesnt even look at the food. He started to act very lazily, usually hovering in one spot close to the sand. His coloring has NOT dulled, if anything has become a bit brighter, and he has no irregular spots on him. The other fish are not picking on him, but his mate seems to dart at the other fish when they swim past him. I dont know what to do, I think it is an internal parasite, since he shows no signs of brook, or ich. He also has white feces, which I have read could be a sign of an internal parasite. He also has somewhat irregular(fast) breathing as well? What does anyone else think?
Thanks, Tera


New Member
I have two clowns also and there was a time months ago that one just stopped eating but otherwise appeared healthy...all the other fish were fine and eating like hogs...I checked my water and the ammonia level was 0.25 ppm so I did a partial (20%) water change and the next day it ate since then it has been fine...I never noticed his stool but hopefully this helps you.


I tried a water change, but it didnt seem to help much, he is still breathing heavily and not eating...all my other fish are perfectly fine I dont get it..My fish store guy told me to treat him for internal parasites, with metroyzodine, or something like that so thats what I have started doing...I hope he can pull through, right now he looks as though he is dying..thanks for your help