Clown fish pair

i want to get me a pir of clown fish and try to have eggs i have done alot of research on raiseing the fry and i think i ready to get the pair and was wondering what type of clowns to get. i was thinking about true perculas but i just want some more ideas and i figured who better to ask then all of you.
i have a 12gallon nano cube set up just for two clown with some coral.


Active Member
Both true and false are a good hardy choice. I have an odd pair... false female and true male and they are buddy buddy :)


Active Member
Your best bet $$$ wise is to buy two and hope that they pair up (mated pairs are very expensive). I have a pair (not mated) of wild false percs (didn't really want the wild ones, it was an oops on the SWF order, clicked the wrong ones).
i like the true perculas also and i like the black and white clowns. the lady at my lfs said i chould get a pair of b&w for $75.00 im thinking about that but im not sure.


Member one clown hold onto it for a half of a year and then go buy another smaller one...alot smaller and drop him in, shes going to beat on him, maybe, perculas are pretty friendly to their own, so they might be buddy buddy from the get go, but do not pay extra money for a "paired" set of clowns, its a waste of money as they well they really like to breed haha, in your breeding tank remember this...a bored fish is a breeding fish
its true, so in that tank, tiles work great as they hold heat well and when you pull the tile out of the water to move it to the haching tank the temp dosent change to much use 3 tiles, from 1 tile cut it into 3 strips and build a triangle with them, make sure you have placed that tank where there isnt alot of trafic passing by, they dont breed well when theres always something scareing them,
well i could go on and on, but im not going to if you have any questions, ask,
the tank is in my bedroom so not much goes on in there
. this may be a dumb question but chould you breed a B&w with a true percule?