Clown fish question


Active Member
I have a maroon clown fish, and today I got another maroon clown. The first one is alittle larger then the new one I got today, and he is picking on the little one. He took a bite out of his tail and everything. Will he stop picking on the smaller one, or should I give him to my friend?


I beleive this to be common with clowns as the larger fish is making sure the small one kows who is boss. I could be wrong and i am pretty new to this too, but the larger of the two will become the dominant female, while the other will be male. Clowns are crazy because they can change their --- over their lifetime. I would see what others have to say, but i think you will be alright.


If a clownfish is by itself for a long period of time, it will eventually turn into a female. It is very likely that you have two females, and they will simply continue to fight until you get rid of one. Really the only way to make a "pair" of clowns is either to buy two that were already a pair, or buy two that are still juveniles and haven't changed --- yet.


i once lost a female maroon CF so i let the male grow alone for 6mths and then added a very small male that she accepted as a mate after a day or so with no major fights


Active Member
I think the new clown is dead, I can't find him anywhere. I am so mad that I brought him home and this happened. Sorry little clown fish.


clownfish are best bought already paired up, pairing up a single clownfish in a tank is tricky but possible with some good technique and luck. you may be better off returning your clownfish to a lfs if you locate some paired up clownfish if your really wanting them badly!


i would give up the new little guy to your friend or back to the LFS. I hope you find him.
I was lucky I have big Maroon clown and brought her a little GB Maroon Clown and they took to each other within a few min. They lay eggs regulary. They have been together for a couple of years now.


Active Member
I would not be so quick to send the little guy packing just yet, I'd give it a little time, I'm sure everyone would agree that some new fish are picked on when they are first introduced to the tank.
From what I have been told on this site, the larger clown will be the dom. female and the smaller of the two will become the male. Strange how nature works.
From my own experience we have had a clarkii clown for almost 4 years, we decided to get another in the hopes of breeding, our big girl picked on the little guy for a good week and finally took to him like white on rice, they even shared her anomne. Sadly are little guy passed when we had a rock slide, he didn't move fast enough. (slide was caused from sfe after we added new rock).
In the end the decision is yours, good luck in what ever you choose. Lisa


i have a clown question too i have 1 clarkii and a condi anemone that it hosts i want to get another clarkki do i need to buy another anemone -- willt hey fight over the 1 now -- i have only had him bout a week so i want to get another soon


Active Member
i successfully paired my GSM's. 1, i had the female in the tank by herself for at least 6 months, not sure exactly how long but it was at least that long. 2, the second gsm i added was a LOT smaller than her. at first she did not like him at all, but i think she was just playing hard to get. eventually they paired up and now they're inseperable. just takes time and the female really needs to be a lot bigger than the male. here's a few shots of my clowns in another thread i recently posted....[/URL]


both my maroon clownfish were small when i got them well they still are the ones slightly bigger than the other but not by to much. when i fisrt got them they fought and fought but after a month of the bigger chasing the smaller one away from his home he finally let the smaller one on. the both work together and pick up shells and sand and move it they took 3 inc of sand and moved it all a foot away from there home theyt still have a little sand there but they still are goin at it