Clown fish question


I have a pair of fake clowns. I bought them together about a mont ago. They have always been together and never been aggressive towards one another. Now that they are growing the large one has become somewhat aggressive towards the smaller one. He's nipping at the smaller one and seems to be scarring it. Is this normal? And why all of the sudden. The only other things in the tank are a neon goby and a cleaner shrimp and pencil urchin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meisacao
I have a pair of fake clowns. I bought them together about a mont ago. They have always been together and never been aggressive towards one another. Now that they are growing the large one has become somewhat aggressive towards the smaller one. He's nipping at the smaller one and seems to be scarring it. Is this normal? And why all of the sudden. The only other things in the tank are a neon goby and a cleaner shrimp and pencil urchin.

i have noticed my larger false perc has been, i wouldnt say aggressive, but "pushy" with the smaller one
i have had them for about 14 months
i guess its normal


Looks like the bigger one is starting to turn female, and become dominent. You might have to re-name it if you gave it a guys name.


So if the big one is becoming dominant is she going to hurt the smaller one? Now the smaller one is hiding up at the top of the tank between the heater and the filter. It worries me becuase the smaller one has never acted scared of the larger one. All of the water checks out fine and she doesn't appear to have any parasites so I can't imagine any other reason for it to be hiding other than being scared of the big bully. :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jambi0n
Looks like the bigger one is starting to turn female, and become dominent. You might have to re-name it if you gave it a guys name.
Right on the money! They will mate after SHE changes!


Dont be scared... it's part of nature. Do you have moonlights? Cuz if you do, when they change and hook up they can get jiggy! LOL


Thanks so much for all of your advice. This board has been so helpful, can't imagine trying to do this hobby without all of your good advice. :cheer: