Clown Fish Question


I have a 46 gallon tank, all my levels are at what they should be, the lfs said the same because i was kinda doubtful so they tested my levels too. I have 3 blue green chromis and 2 percula clowns. One of the clowns i had just added yesterday, it seems really healthy and active but it is not eating. None of the fish bother it or anything the clown swims around for a while and then heads back to the same corner where my other clown is. I have been feeding all my fish flake food, they love it, but the smaller clown doesnt eat anything. What should i try, alot of people are saying live brine shrimp or frozen brine. Please help me out and let me know thanks.


Active Member
it could be that the fish wasnt fed flake at the LFS or where it was bred if it was tank bred, it owuldnt know about it. try some frozen or some pellet foods. brine shrimp is loved by all fish, but its not very nutritous. try something like formula one or prime reef frozen foods.


thanks man ill do that. but do you know if it will get accustomed to flake food? like he will go up to the flakes but will jus turn back around, do you think he will try it?
thanks for all the help guy yall are great!