Clown Fish Question

After the unknown death of one clown fish I am curious if and when I can add a replacement. Its mate is doing great, looks healthy and is eating well. They were introduced together on Sunday, one died on Monday. I would like to have a pair eventually. Any suggestions on what I should do.
Thanks much!


Active Member
Did you buy them as a pair? If not they may have fought. I tried to add one with an existing one and it didn't work. My lfs took it back though
I bought them as a pair! There were two pairs in the same tank, each on their own anenome, they seemed happy for half a day, then the one fish started burrying itself in a crevase in a rock where it eventually died.
I was thinking I could take back the one that is doing well and trade it in for the other pair that is at the store. I am wondering if I could just introduce another one to the one that I have.


New Member
I don't think so! I may be wrong but I believe it would be like introducing a new clown to a tank with a established one already there.
ocellaris (Sp?) orange, white and black
so if I'm right I'm getting the impression that once you have one established clown you shouldn't introduce a second one!?!?
Are two days long enough to get established?
If you got a tank raised Ocellaris aka.(false clown-false percula clown)you should be fine adding another one the same size.
If you would have bought a maroon clown then you prabably would not be succesfull putting another one in.


Active Member
I have to disagree wit deuce. IME, i have found the key is to add eighter a larger or smaller clown than the one that is presently in yout tank. This way there is no, or little fighting because you will predetermine their sexes, the smaller will become the male and the larger will be the female. Clownfish are hermphrodites(sp?) I beleive that is why clownfish of the same size and species in a tank will sometimes fight to the death.
Yeah you could have a good point
But He has a clown that he should be able to add another one.
If he had a more aggressive clown it would be real hard to add another!!
Just thinking if possible you should add a smaller one.
What if the one in the tank has already turned female and you add another that also has turned!!!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
How big is your current clown? If 2-3" i would say that is a larger false perc(if it is a false perc). If it is this size than i would get a smaller mate for her. If it is smaller than that, than get a larger one. In my experiences, this always worked. :D Although their may be that one freaky clown out there that won't follow the rules. :)
OK, here's what I did. I went out and bought a tiny Perc, it went straight for the anenome and the other clown. They seem to be doing alright so far. Sharing the anenome and occasionally the larger one will follow it around in the tank. So far no aggression that I should be worried abot. Lets hope all is well tomorrow morning!
Thanks much!
They were doing great this morning ...all wrapped up in the anenome ...lights don't come on until mid morning at which time I'm at work, but everything looked fine with the natural lighting in the living room. I think the one that didn't make it got stressed. This little one is really cute and gets along well with the larger one.
Hoe often do you direct feed your anenome? I haven't seen the perc feeding it so I thought perhaps I should stick a frozen cube in him.


how big is your clown? maby you got 2 females i would pick out another one but take a good look in the tank before you choose one. if it looks less dominant than the other ones chances are it is a male also if it is smaller than the one you already have i would try that one. all clowns are born males and the female is the dominate and bigger one


My LFS in Raleigh, NC told me about a problem with tank raised vs. wild Percula's (not sure if its Percula only related and doens't sound like this is your case but thought the info would be helpful). The problem is that a wild catch Percula has a disease that will kill a tank raised fish.
Just an FYI.