clown fish question


Well I asked this in the newbie section and got one answer (by the way thank you prime311 for your response) anyway I wanted some more info and needless to say no responses, so I figured I would move it here, so here we go... I want to get a false perc. or 2 for my first fish. I was not sure if I have to get a breeding pair if I want 2, or if I can order 1, put one in later if I want, or my LFS has a ton of captive bred baby clowns, they are actualy one of the good LFS and there store and stock are kept very clean and heathy. Anyway, is it Ok to get 2 of those at the same time since they are in the same tank already or can they turn on each other when they get older. Thanks in advance for the info.
By the way I do not like that they added this many forums it seems that everything iss scattered, and I have found it is harder to get questions answered, or you need to split your question into multiple forums to get answers. But that is my opinion.


If you want two false percs it is best to get them at the same time. It would be a great idea to get two of the baby clowns you described. You could get one, then get another later, but this will result in fighting until the smaller clown gives into the larger clown. Clownfish will fight for dominance, and the more dominant clown will become the female, and will be larger.


Thanks for the responset... I think I will go with the babies let them grow up together and see what happens.


small clows are not sexully mature and will sooner or later fight anyhow, but tends to be less agressive fighting when they start to fight sence they already know the other clown and normally they both already know who the dominate will be
i always like to get a large one from one store and a small one from a diffrent store


I would buy from seperate stores but this is the only one I trust, one the tanks are disgusting, another is an idiot, and the rest are over priced. These people have actually kept e from buying stuff that is not needed, and steered me to something cheaper that works just as good. They are one of the few who turned their hobby into a buisiness and they breed their own clowns. But I trust them out of everyone else.


there is always a dominance issue when they get older...that being said i added a few here and there and they did fine..