clown fish swimming on top


Ok, he seems ok, but he swims in the flow of the powerhead 24 hours a day, he never rests, at 9 in the morning, at lights on, hes on top, at 9 at night, hes on top with his dorsal fin out of the water just swimmin' away against the current, if i wake up at 4 in the morning, without fail, he's there, every time.
It's an occelaris(sp), he's eating ok, everything seems fine, he does have one little white spot on him, it looks more like a sore than a speck, like he may have been nipped, I noticed it a few hours ago, and it seems to have faded a little bit, so it may be sand, but i'm not sure, back to the subject, i'm really just trying to figure out if this behaviour is normal.
even now, at 2:30 am, he's just havin' a grand old time swimming his little orange butt off against the current.
p.h. 8.2
temp 78-81
ammo, trite, undetectable,
trates @15ppm
he's been in the tank for about a week now, and the only other tank mate is a sixline wrasse and they just ignore each other.
thanks in advance!:)


New Member
Massimiliano Pappadia
Hello,My name is massimiliano but for short call me max .i'm 10 years old and i think i know why your clown fish is acting so strange.
i first knotist the same thing in my 29gallon fish tank when i had a clown fish. i realised that he was swimming on top because he had no anemone! So as soon as i put the anemone in the water he quickly swam into it.
so i think your problem is you dont have a anemone or if you do im sorry because i cant solve that.:nope: bye kablamo


whats up max, are you from italy? Thats a nice name, and i think you are right, but hey i got to go now, i will write more later.
its good to see kids into saltwater!