Clown Fish Won't Eat


Well i got my first farm raised perc clowns last thursday. They've settled into my 55g tank nice with 2 cleaner chrimp and a lawn mower blenny. My tank is only a month and a half old so they don't have any real anenome (sp) but i got them 2 fake ones if they want to host them.
But my problem is they won't really eat. I've tried the sinking morsels from nutrafin and Hikari MarineS. Then i went to the LFS and got some frozen mysis and frozen brine shrimp. Tried that and they still didn't eat it. Is there anything i can try and feed them? Is there a good way that i can feed them that i'm not doing?
Also all my levels are good and the blenny and cleaner shrimp are eating fine. HELP!!!


Well after several tries the clown fish finally ate the mysis shrimp yesterday. I guess it just took them some time before they got hungry enough to eat.
Is there anything else they can eat besides the things i listed to give them a varied diet?