clown fish


New Member
how important is it to have an anemone with a clown fish? ANd what type of lighting is needed for anonomes?


Active Member
Clowns do not require an anenomie to be content. Anenomies require expert care and knowledge and should not be considered without extensive research and planning.

bang guy

Clownfish have no need for an Anemone but it is pleasing to see them together.
The light requirements depend on the species of Anemone.


You can keep some of the less-demanding species of anemones under a good amount of power compact or VHO lighting. The tricker species pretty much need metal halides to thive, though.
What kind of lighting does your tank run on now?


Active Member
I agree they dont need each other but is neat to see them together. And as bang sais the light needs vary from anemone to anemone.


New Member
umm i dont have any lighting yet in my tank as im still in the setting up a research phase. What type of lighting would you recommnend? im want to have live rock and fish in my tank along with an anemone that goes with a percula clown


New Member
im looking for light and hood for a 20 gallon long aquarium and want to know what type of lighting to get that will be a good all round lighting for live rock and plants and a carpet anomone


New Member
Eclipse 3 Lighting and Filtration System
pad12" x 30" 250 gph - fits 20" Long tanks,
29 gallon and 37 gallon tanks and has two 24"
fluorescent bulbs. PLUS ONE FREE REPLACEMENT
CARTRIDGE!! $89.95
would that be efficent for what im trying to accomplish again i want live rock, fish, carpet anomone,and some live plants( i have 20 gal long aquarium.

bang guy

I've never heard of anyone keeping a Carpet Anemone long term in a 20.
If someone has one then please speak up....
I strongly recommend not attempting an Anemone until you have a lot of experience under your belt. They sure look easy to keep but there's a good reason why 97% of Anemone die within a year of purchase.


Active Member
I agree with bang anemones shouldnt be attempted until 6 months to a year of having and maintaning a "good" reef tank. And for carpet anemone's your looking at metal halides and they cost big bucks!


ive had my maroon clown for a little longer than a year without an anemone and he seems very content. i just made a lot of caves for him to swim through.


Active Member
Yeah there really neat to have and watch I cant wait to get 2 "gonna have a pair" that is gonna be my next fish I get!

bang guy

I think that hood would be adequate for a low light coral tank with mostly mushrooms.
All of my Clownfish pairs use Green Hairy Mushrooms as a host. Those would do well.


Active Member
i have a bta that has grown under my pc's
my clownfish doesnt even know my bta exists, he's just so happy and content hosting in my algae clip