Clown Fish


I am thinking of getting some kind of clown for my new 65 gl FOWLR. I have never had a clown before, but I think 1 would make a nice addition to my tank. But my concern is that I've always heard clowns need annemones to be health/happy. According to 2 LFS in my area this is not true. Guess I need some honest opinions!!! Also, I have been looking at maybe a gold stripe maroon. Any info on these?
Thanks Guys!!!


Nothing but critters right now. It has only been set up for about 7 weeks so I want to make sure it's very stable before I add any fish. I'ts been cycled for about 3 weeks. I have an Emrald crab, A crab that looks like an emrald but is rose colored, 3 turbo snails and 3 scarlet hermits.
Thanks for the info!!! I was really hoping my LFS was giving me the right info.


They don't need a host. I've tried to get mine a couple of different anemones and they wont have anything to do with them. I would put them in as a pair. I've just heard they do better. Don;t really know if thats true or not. Mine seem to enjoy eachothers company. They are fun to watch. They literally are a couple of clowns in the tank.


The clowns dont need an anemone to stay happy, it just makes them feel more secure if they do have one. I love morron clowns. i would get a mated pair. thats what i have in my tank. i looked for 3 days trying to find a lfs that sold a mated pairs. then i finally found a pair for $50. there ( i know, ussage(right word), to lazy to fix it). really nice to watch! :D
I am in the same boat that you are. I want a mated pair of ocellaris clowns and will buy the anemone they are hosting along with them. They can live without one...just think they will do much better with one, IMHO.
Have been watching at the LFS.

nm reef

Active Member
I've had a mated pair of perculas in my fish only system for well over a year host...and they are fine without one. The are the most interesting fish I've ever dealt with...they are more like pets/friends than fish in a box!!
Mine come to the front and say a little fish dance when hungry...and like to come to the top to be hand fed....for anybody wanting a calm interesting pair of fish I would highly suggest far one of the most interesting options my opinion.... :cool:


if you dont have any fishes in the tank
not to worry about the combatibility :) (good thing)
about Mate Pair Clowns
You can ask the LFS to get you a pair but we do not know how old is Wild Cought Pair?
I mostly try to stay away from wild cought period.
You can try to pair them up your self
Maroon is the hardest clown to pair
ClarkII is the next one down the list (I failed)
The most easier pair clown fish is Percula
True Percula or Occelarus (False Percula) and you can cross pair these guy, I have successed making pair from a Percula and a Occelarus
And my stupidity is that I did not quarantine new fish, ICH outbreak and kill my pair (this is my lession learned) I sure have a Q tank now and will Q any new fish for 3 weeks
back to the question(I'm assume that you Q your fish)
if you want to pair Maroon CLown (I have not sucessed pairing clownfish with this procedure but it work for my other clown)
Add the Larger Clown to the desire tank wait few weeks, feed normally and happy
acquired a new clown smaller (maroon need to have at least 1/2 size smaller, easier to submit)
adde the new smaller fish in a clear container(or plastic bag) I prefer clear container with drilled holds allow water to move freely and place the container in the tank for couple days( I do it for 3 days, make sure you drill hole other wise the smaller fish will deplete oxygen in the container and die) feed normal to both fishes, you will notice the fish dance (I called fish dance because I have no better term to descripe it, you will see it) release the smaller clown to the tank and watch them closely
Alternatively, you can acquired any 2 juvinel clownfish, and they will pair as they grow.
I have a pair Cinamon Clown(purchase when they were just change to adulthood)
The method above I try with my Percula and Occelarus
Good luck