Hi Tristan,
Right I can see a few problems. Firstly, you need to check Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate/pH every week. Some people recommend 2 or 3 times a week, but 1 a week is adequte. Water quality can change from perfect to astronimically bad over night, so its important to keep and eye on this.
Are you not dechlorinating the water? This is very important. You could be chemically burning the fish if you are not. Chlorine is added into our water to clean it basically and remove impurities for humans, but chlorine isnt found in natural water.
With Salt and adding water you should do it like this:
1) buy RO water from LFS
2)put it into a rubbermaid 10gallon or so, with heater and pump.
3)add salt in the rubbermaid and leave to air for 24/36 hours. This insures good chemical balances.
4)then add to tank.
If you are just putting the salt into the tank you are probably 1) stressing the fish tremendously 2)burning them. Dont feel bad about it, I did the same when i started, its something you overlook.
Greenex is funny, most people will say not to treat ick with reef safe chemicals, quaranteen is the best answer. Ick is being caused by stress and stress is being caused by your water conditions. Prevention is better than cure. Try feeding them a garlic suppliment, garlic is like a vitamin tablet for them and helps with their immunity.
Hope this is of some help, feel free to ask if still confused.