Clown Gobies...


I'm looking into getting a clown goby (maybe). What do you guys know about them? Can you keep more than one in a 55gal? I thought I read somewhere that you can't...
Thanks for any replies.


They are a pretty neat fish. I am partial to the yellow clown gobys myself and I do have a green as well. I had heard that yu can not have nore than one in a tank due to fighting myself. I had ordered 10 yellow clown gobys online from a vendor and they packed each one in a separate bag. BUT my lfs here has quite a few tanks with corals in it, and he has as many as 5 or 6 of them in each tank. He has yellow, citron, green and black varieties and he stated he never observed them squabbling. I have since taken down two PICO tanks and combined the contents and fish (yellow clown) into one larger tank of 30 gal so that makes that cube of 30 gal having 4 yellow clown gobies in it for some time now and not any problems, and they all seem to do just fine together......


Active Member
it can deffinatly be done, but if you have SPS corals, the clown gobies may mate, and lay eggs in the SPS causing RTN


Active Member
I have a green clown goby and he hides all the time, only dashes out of the rock work to eat.