Clown Goby?


Active Member
I'm looking at getting a clown goby but haven't decided on the color. My question is will it get along with my yellow watchman. I have seen clown gobies in other tanks and they seem to jump from coral to coral and don't hang out much on the bottom where the watchman is. I think I want either a citron or green clown. The LFS said he could get red also but I haven't found a great pic of one yet.


I have a Yellow Clown Goby and it is never on the bottom. It is always perched on a rock or hiding.
I like the look of the Green Clown Goby and I almost got that one but I wanted something Yellow in my tank.


I just got my yellow clown goby yesterday. He hid for about 2 mins then came out and stuck his self to the front of the glass. Everytime I look at the tank he's out and about. I love him. It's nice when you buy fish that won't hide for weeks.


Active Member
Thanks. I am leaning towards a green or citron since I have the yellow watchman. I don't have anything green. Does your clown mess with any of your corals?


I have a Citron Goby and he is never on the bottom either. He perches all over the live rock, powerheads and other equipment. He will even perch on the glass walls of the tank.


Active Member
I have a yellow clown goby and I think I might have gotten the green if I'd known he would have the black scares on him from the corals he can't seem to stay away from. He loves this big hammer coral I have and it stings the poop out of him. He's been hanging around my big mushroom rock since I moved the hammer so maybe he'll get back to his pretty all yellow again, although I've heard these marks tend to be permanent. :notsure:


Active Member
Hopefully those scars will go away but I know that my freshwater oscar had HLLE which has healed but he is scarred pretty bad.


I have a yellow clown goby that is an absolute riot. He hops from coral to coral and just begs for food. I recently added a green clown goby also. I know that some people say they will fight with conspecifics but I got the green about 3 weeks ago and there hasen't been any problems yet. They are both in a 26 gallon tank. My theory is that with enough corals they will do their own thing. I even caught both of them in my anthellia the other day.About 1 inch from one another and no problems.