Clown Grouper


New Member
Local store has a Clown Grouper does anyone have one and what are they like in a Aggressive tank I currently have
1 x Lion
1 x Panther Grouper
1 x Blue Jaw Trigger
1 x Snow Flake Eel
The stre tells me they do not see them very often


Active Member
Clown Grouper - Pogonoperca punctata
Also known as: Leaflip Grouper
The Pogonoperca punctata grows up to 14 inches. The small size will come to you generally 2 to 3 inches; the medium generally 3 to 5 inches; the large generally 5 to 7 inches. The Clown Grouper prefers a tank of at least 80 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. The Pogonoperca punctata is a carnivore and likes to eat meaty treats (like krill, small fish, shrimp). The Clown Grouper is a medium maintenance fish and may act aggressively toward other fish. It is a venomous fish, mucus is poisonous. Keep with caution in a reef aquarium; may eat/nip at crustaceans & fish. Since groupers are generally larger fish, it is recommended waste removal efforts be increased within the aquarium system. Pogonoperca punctata (Valenciennes 1830), the Clown Grouper. A shy, unusual-looking Bass family member that makes its way into the trade on a regular basis. Needs plenty of shelter to feel at ease in captivity. Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). The Clown Grouper is commonly collected from the Indian Ocean.


New Member
The Grouper at the store cannot be a Clown as the picture I can find on line for the Clown - silverish-brown with white spotting over the entire body. It has black tiger stripes along its dorsal edge - Does not match the fish in the store its is Black with Large and small Yellow spots on it.
Any surgestions


New Member
look up clown grouper if that is what you are actually talking about becuase i have one and both of you described the same thing. He described the fish you are talking about perfectly