Clown has brooklynella?


New Member
I have just purchased 2 clowns and placed them in my main tank. I am somewhat new to this hobby and after finding this site realize i should have set up a quarantine tank and placed this fish in it prior to my main tank. The main tank is a 75 gallon. All levels are at 0(ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, etc) The water temp is at 76 and salinity is 1.018. The one clown appears sluggish and was fine early today but suddenly appears to have white peeling skin. The other fish in the tank look fine at this point. Not sure what my options are. I do have several shrimp, turbo snails, carpet anenome, button polyps, blue claw hermits. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
The only option you have to save these fish is to treat with formalin bathes. The procedure is outlined in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
Glad to see you on our forums, but sorry you ended up here with this problem on your hands.