clown help


10 gallon tank with two clowns. The larger is chasing the smaller one so much that the small one is losing its color and looking pretty weak. Is this normal behavior, or do we need to do something to help out the little guy...
are they the same species? introduced together? lil guy is getting stressed. your larger one mite be your female and they usually are the more aggresive ones. mine chased her smaller counterpart for a week or 2 and than became buddies.


Hey, thanks for the help...Thats kinda what I thought. There both the same type and got them the same day. When I got them the larger one was bigger then also. I fig its just them trying to decide who is female and who is male. THe one getting chased is so stressed he has lost a lot of his color. ( Just doesnt look very good, I feel bad) So you think it will be ok?


Active Member
They sell tank dividers but would only work if you don't have any rock. If the smaller one does not submit the larger could kill it.
yea if you want to and only if you want, u can get a floating breeder container and have the smaller one in there for a while till the larger calms down.