Clown hiding not eating


I got a gold striped Maroon Clownfish last weekend. But he doesn't swim around, allways hiding in a corner and he doesen't eat. There are no signs of ich or fin rot or anything else he looks normal and healthy, but he doesn't eat. That scares me the most. Any ideas?


Staff member
Is he being intimated at all by other fish?
Try target feeding him with a turkey baster and see if he responds.


no nothing works, I gave him a freshwater bath last night. Now he's swimming a little but not much. But he still wont eat. I tryed feeding brine shrimp today, all the fish love thouse but not him. No other fish bother him. I just don't know what his deal is. Could dropsy cause this?here a pic of him just hanging out


Staff member
Sometimes it takes fish awhile to eat. I have a goby that wouldn't eat for 2 wks after I got him. Finally, one day he took a bite and from then on he eats like a pig!
Keep an eye out for any disease process which may be causing the problem. Continue trying to offer him food. Try target feeding.
You may want to chop up some fresh seafood for him to coax him into eating.


thanx beth, I'll do that. got him a bubble anenome today, he's hiding in there now, so he'll be happy in there