clown host toadstool


hello, i have noticed that my clowns have been host in my toadstool leather. is this ok or should i find the clowns a new home.
the leather doesnt seem to mind will stay out all day and retract at night but will it soon get fed up.
:help: thanks in advance for any help.


Active Member
I believe it'll be fine......however, the coral book I am reading at the moment claims clowns hosting in corals can do more harm than good. They're activities in and around the tenticles can cause leasions (sp?) leading to disease. ??? Wish I could shed some light on it, however, I haven't seen this--I'm just passing along some information :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
If you're referring to the coral getting the lesions, you're absolutely right. Sometimes clowns can be to rough on the host coral causeing distress or injury and sometimes death. Luckily, this is a pretty rare occurence though. :D