clown hosting algae


New Member
ok guys, let me get a little help here. my clown has recently started to attempt to host some hair algae growing on some live rock, i'm combating the algae problem at the moment. my royal gramma has also started mimicking that also??? i have a 24 gallon aquapod (stock pc's) and would like to find something for the clown to host to make him happy. any suggestions? i'm wanting to think that an anemone would be out of the question due to my tank's size.


No anemone, the lights aren't strong enough! I have heard of clowns hosting everything - even mushrooms! I have a clown, and he doesnt host anything...and he has lots to choose from! Maybe try a leather coral or some other type of soft coral. I have a rock that has anthelia on it, I would think that would be pretty enticing to a clown, but mine has shown no interest. Good luck!


Active Member
Clowns will host almost anything, however, it is important to remember they do not need something to host to live. I bought some green hairy mushrooms shortly after my tank had finished cycling and the clowns ignored it for months, then one day, one of the clowns started to host it and shortly thereafter both clowns hosted it. This is close to four months after I added the coral to the tank. They now spend all day and all night in these mushrooms and only leave it to eat or swim maybe six inches from it. Here is a link to my tank thread, you can see pictures there.
Click here to see my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
You could try a frogspawn
i was gona say that or you can try a hammer, or xenias are a common one


Active Member
When we had alot of grape caulerpa(macro algae), my gold stripe maroon hosted too...sorry for the bad pix, just tryin to give you an idea. Also, I wouldn't suggest trying to get it to host any corals, in the end, if the clown harasses it enough, he will kill the coral. I lost a red trachiphyllia that the clown killed
