clown hosting bubble coral question


my maroon started hosting my bubble coral almost immediately I put the bubble in the tank. Since then, it's fins are not looking good at all. Could this be caused by stings from the coral? If so, will the clown become immune to it after a while?


I'm kinda worried that you say that because I just put a bubble in tonight that my marron latched to immediatly. let me know if you can what becomes of it?


Active Member
Are the fins getting ripped and frayed? I doubt it was the stinging that caused that. Possibly the clown is rubbing against the rough skeleton of the bubble.


this isnt much help but a long time ago i had a maroon host my bubble coral and the coral almost died because of all the activity from the maroon so keep a close eye on your coral.


Active Member
clowns can be very abusive to corals and anemones that they are hosting. is there any way you can get your maroon an anemone? I had a clarkii beat a BTA to death. I don't know as if your bubble coral will live through this.


My Maroon hosted in my bubble coral and his fins looked like crap after a few days. I got worried and went out and bought a long tentical anemone and as soon as i put it in he went in it. He occasoinally would go back and sit above the bubble coral but never for very long. His fins looked alot better once he stopped going in the bubble coral.



Active Member
Got a bubble last night in hopes my clown would host it, she doesn't even swim near it, maybe thats a good thing after reading this thread.