Clown hosting clams????


Is this my imagination or what... But, I think my clarkii is starting to host my clams... Will this effect my clams? He just started to do this.


Staff member
I would not put it past him. My clownfish hosts every and anything, and not without causalities.


Active Member

Originally posted by Offshore80
Will this effect my clams?

I would think that it will effect the clam....


you mean its going inside it and trying to cuddle?, or is it passing over it and the clam is shutting up?..either way, if its constantly doing either of these, its not letting the clam get the light it needs to be fed.


Normally the mantel on the one on the left is extended like the one on the right. Now that the clown is over him he's only partially extended. The clown hasn't gone in the clam yet. But, he seems to be effecting him some. I just had to get rid of a cleaner shrimp cause he ate one of my larger clams. Yes, I said ate. I watched him do it like a dummy. I thought he was just cleaning him and low an behold he got a taste for the clams meat and really worked him over. So, I'm a little paranoid now.

nm reef

Active Member
A clown attempting to host with a clam may get more than he bargained for...especially if the clam were to close on him...I don't think the arrangement would work very well for either. I suppose if the clown were persistent then the clam could suffer from the attention...but I don't believe I've ever heard of any clown attempting to host with a clam. Anytime any fish approachs a healthy clam it'll likely close up or react to the presence.Thats a natural response.
As for your cleaner shrimp attacking your clam...its been my experience that my pair of pair of blood reds...none of my 5 peppermints...never show any interest in either of my three clams...but if one of them(clams) should deteroriate or die all the shrimp would join my crabs in a feast. As a rule shrimp won't show much interest in a healthy clam.:thinking:


yea a cleaner shrimp eating a clam is pretty strange, you should feed the shrimp its own food every week..


IMO:.. Clownfish of any kind are NOT NOT NOT NOT reefsafe... for the EXACT reason above... they get into EVERY. and ANYTHING! they are pests and should be treated as them in my NOT SO HUMBLE OPPION! lol... I really hate clownfish b/c they are always irritating things... my stupid False Perc. is always trying to "cuddle" with my brain coral as well as the Leather, mushrooms, pipeorgan, etc... and they are just PESTS!!
get rid of him and buy a Cardinal of some sort... youll have better luck!


The clam the shrimp damaged was very healthy. He was about 6" and in my clam tank for about 6 months. I just started to move my clams into my reef when I upgraded my lighting to MH. He was fully opened when the cleaner shrimp started to irritate him. The clam would close up and the cleaner would run his front feelers down into the clam. This went on for about a day while I was at work. When I got home I noticed the shrimp was off him and the clam was back opened and the intake port was ripped from one end to another. I quickly moved him to the clam tank and he died the next day. I caught the shrimp and placed him in Time out with the humbug damsel till I can figure out what to do with him. As for the clown he's still hanging by the clam but the clam seems to be accepting the shadow now. THe clown seems to move around enough for the clam to get enough light. Thanks for everyones input on the situation. I placed 3 clams in my mini reef I'm building and I to would of never figured a cleaner to damage a clam.


I get most of my stuff from Fish Safari (Leroy) over in VA Beach or animal jungle a few miles away. Fish Safari is having a midnight madness sale this weekend.


I get my stuff from those places too. I was wondering in case I missed a store or something. I thought the sale was next weekend..


It's 12/4... If you go make sure you have a flyer... That's the only way you get the discounts... I got burned last year cause I wasn't on their mailing list and never got the flyer in the mail. I saw all these people walking around with these yellow pieces of paper with the sale prices on them. He cut me no break either. And that day I spent 300 bucks in there at normal prices. It really pissed me off cause I've spent a fortune in there over the past couple of years.


I don't plan on going to it. I was there today and they said that last year the line went all the way down to Kroger's and with my only having a 29g tank I can't buy my monies worth anyways..


I get most of my stuff from Fish Safari (Leroy) over in VA Beach or animal jungle a few miles away. Fish Safari is having a midnight madness sale this weekend
I was just in Va Beach!.. I went to a place called Animal Jungle.. or something like that... Didnt see Fish Safari!!!
Im from Alabama though, so I might go back this summer and check it out!


Fish Safari is just a few miles away in Salem Crossing shoping complex off lynnhaven Pkwy. It's more for your

saltwater and fresh water hobiest. Lots of good selections of fish, clams, corals, cured live rock and dry goods.