Clown hosting hammer

For the past week one of my true percs (I have a pair) has been hosting my pink tip hammer. Its so cool tho because it was so unexpected. I've had that clown and the hammer for a couple of months now. What do you guys think about that.

nm reef

Active Member
Funny you should mention this...last weekend I was at my favorite LFS and saw a very large hammer with a pair of perculas....I have several pics that I need to process of them....give me a few secs and I'll try to get one ready.

nm reef

Active Member
Here is one of the pics I shot...I must have taken 10 or so at least. I watched these two clowns dart in and out of the coral....they didn't appear to be stressing the coral in the least.....

nm reef

Active Member
Actually they weren't for sell...they were in the LFS owners display and nothing in there is for sell...but I did watch them for over 30 minutes.


Active Member
Not a clown, but a clown goby of mine who has taken up with my hammer. As soon as I get some extra cash I plan on getting one of the other branching type soft corals because hammers can put out a pretty nasty sting.

Wow that hammer is huge and beautiful. I was going to frag my hammer again, but since my clown has taking a liking to it Im going to wait till it gets bigger.


Active Member
I really need to bust mine apart right there at the bottom where the two big parts meet. The heads in that picture there are just now starting to split again, but I'm just such a wimp when it comes to busting stuff up in my tank.